It’s up there with one of the most successful dating shows in the country, and 2024 is set to be another cracker for Farmer Wants A Wife.
Here, Woman’s Day meets two of the farmers, Bert, 30, and Joe, 33, who are putting their rakes down in order to find their one true love.

What made you want to sign up for this series?
JOE: I had a really good friend, Andrew Guthrie, who was on the show three seasons ago. Before that, I would never have entertained that idea but seeing him go through it and she’s now his wife, it was pretty amazing to see that all unfold.
BERT: I had been single for a long time and my friends were like, “Why don’t you do something a bit different and put yourself on the line and see what happens?” I guess I got a little bit of positive reinforcement from my friends and then had a little bit of time on my hands, so I thought why not?
Farmer Wants A Wife has a pretty good success rate as well!
BERT: Yeah, there’s no chance that I would do anything else except Farmer.
What are you looking for in a woman?
JOE: I was raised in a really feminist household, so I think I draw a lot from that. My mum and grandma are real go-getters and are strong, independent women so that’s what I was looking for.
BERT: I think the biggest one for me is just to have love and respect for each other. There are times when I’m going to be working late. However, it’s a special location here and it’s not far from the city. So I don’t expect anyone to have to give up their job or anything to come to the farm – I’m only less than an hour from Brisbane city!

Would you call yourselves romantics?
BERT: I don’t think anybody has used the words Bert and romance before. I’m more of a casual guy. For me, my ideal date is just going to the beach or going out on the boat and having a beer, something nice and casual.
How important is family for the women you date?
JOE: Family is huge to me. I think mum would just be happy for me to find someone and give her some more grandchildren! My older sister is very protective. She has always got my best thoughts in mind, but she can be quite brutal and honest with me and has been in the past. She’s definitely the one they would have to win over.
BERT: Nana’s approval is very important. She is the biggest sweetheart, so she will never make them feel under pressure or anything. If you both meet the right woman, will you be ready to pop the question?
BERT: When it comes to that I don’t jump into anything right away. You have to see each other at your best and worst so it takes time, but you know when the time is right. I would pop the question but
I want to get to know someone and spend time doing that.
JOE: I definitely will be when I meet the right lady. I’ll be ready to get the knee dirty, for sure.

And are kids something you both want too?
JOE: Yeah married and kids, that’s where I want to be. It hasn’t happened yet but I’m always optimistic.
BERT: I would like to do a bit of travel as two people, not three, and enjoy just being a couple before bringing a little one into the world, but kids are on the cards.
We’ve been told this season is very drama-filled. How do you cope with drama?
BERT: I don’t enjoy drama. I’m busy and when I’m not at work, drama is not something I enjoy being a part of so if I can avoid it I will.
JOE: Yeah, I think especially us farmers, we’re really not into drama. That just doesn’t really sit well with us at all.
Farmer Wants A Wife, Sunday, 7pm, Seven & 7plus.