Mother’s Day is an opportunity to show our beloved mums how much we appreciate them.
We buy them flowers, their favourite sweets, and take them out to brunch, which they always appreciate, but this Mother’s Day you can make your mum smile with even more pride.
By donating to these Australian charities that support mums around the country tackling challenging circumstances, this unique gift idea means you can help to empower women and show your gratitude towards the people who sacrifice so much.

It’s an opportunity to give back to all mothers.
(Image: Getty)For the most part we are lucky to live in a country with a great standard of living, however, there are still thousands of Aussies who are struggling to make ends meet.
Professor Carla Treloar from the University of New South Wales told the ABC in 2021 that in Australia single mothers are the largest group of people likely to face poverty. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare also found that one in five mothers are living in low-socioeconomic areas.
With thousands of mums needing community support, donating to these charities is a gift that extends beyond a single moment of love – and the more love the better right?
Here are five local charities created for mums to support for Mother’s Day and beyond.
Mummy’s Wish
This organisation supports mums with children under 13 who are receiving treatment for cancer.
They help manage the burden of cancer by giving practical and tailored support during their journey, including ongoing contact with a qualified support coordinator, care packs, comfort bears, cleaning services, grocery and fuel vouchers, healthy meals, counselling sessions, information and resources.
Mummy’s Wish has supported over 5000 families since they started in 2007, and every year they help 1000 women at any time.
If this charity speaks to you, please donate here.
Mum For Mum
This non-denominational home-visiting program enlists trained volunteers (who are mothers too) to visit expecting mums in their final trimester right through to the first year of the baby’s life to offer emotional support.
Their goal is to reduce the isolation and anxiety that can lead to depression for mums living far away from their support systems.
Mum For Mum has reached over 1000 families, given $2000 worth of support to each mum, and they have increased the confidence of mothers and empowered women by giving them access to resources and community.
If this program speaks to you, please offer a donation here.

Mum for Mum offers emotional support to mothers.
(Image: Getty)McGrath Foundation
For Mother’s Day, the McGrath Foundation, established by Glenn and Sara McGrath, encourages Australians to support mums and families going through breast cancer by donating and receiving a personalised e-card you can forward to your mum.
In addition, you can purchase a pink gift from their partner’s products range, organise a morning tea to fundraise with your mum, and have a conversation to bring awareness to breast cancer.
To contribute to these four excellent initiatives, learn more about how to get involved by visiting the McGrath website here.

Donate to the McGrath Foundation to support mums with breast cancer.
(Image: Instagram)Olivia’s Place
This independent organisation supports families through their pregnancy and the early stages of parenting.
The Olivia’s Place volunteers receive professional training for their roles, and they offer practical, material and emotional support, regular calls, help filling out forms, access to assessments for perinatal depression, referrals to domestic violence support services, and they provide prams, cots, baby clothes and more necessities.
If you wish to support Olivia’s Place, please do so here.

Olivia’s Place creates a community for mothers at the early stages of motherhood.
(Image: Instagram)Catherine House
Adelaide-based charity Catherine House provides accommodation and support services for women experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
What started with 12 rooms, the organisation has grown and is now recognised as South Australia’s only recovery based service for women experiencing homelessness.
If you wish to support this organisation, please do so here.

The South Australian organisation helps women facing homelessness beyond housing.
(Image: Instagram)