
Leo daily horoscope

World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.
Leo daily horoscope

World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

Leo daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

Oh, the joy of Mercury Retrograde. Not! Finance, property, possessions and business remain the big area of uncertainty and experimentation, as you are about to see. One situation will either be utterly reshaped, or tested and then left as it stands. Watch for the big rewind as you go into October.

Pluto may be meeting you in human form today, in which case your daily routine, health and fitness, work and chores may all be affected by big questions about who or what is in charge of your body. The answer is, you are. That way, lies power.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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