
Libra daily horoscope

World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.
Libra daily horoscope

World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

Libra daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

Communication in all its forms embraces the media, the internet, your speeches, or your way with the written word. From the computer to the telephone, via your voice, there are now questions about what is going to work for you, long term. You know the issue. This week is about finding a way of dealing.

Jupiter in Libra, your own sign, suggests the way you look or appear is more crucial at the moment. There is a sliding scale of what is acceptable, practical and just total fantasy. You participate. In fact, your fingers are on the scale as it slides. Maybe you should think a great deal bigger?

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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