
Scorpio daily horoscope

World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.
Scorpio daily horoscope

World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

Scorpio daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

The money, property, business or possessions becomes a waltz that two can participate in, from October. This makes a difference to the discussion or paperwork ahead, and by New Year’s Eve, the toughest decision for you, finally becomes a reality.

You will close any gaps between you and your former, current or potential partner in slow stages between now and 2017, too, as you two will figure out a new way to divide and share. If you have an enemy or opponent, the time for a win-win outcome is here but it will take a few months of slog.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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