Horoscopes | Now To Love https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/ Mon, 05 Feb 2024 11:52:52 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.3 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2024/02/cropped-FavIcon-32x32.png Horoscopes | Now To Love https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/ 32 32 What does 2022 have in store for you? Study your horoscope to discover how your star sign will affect the next 12 months https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/2022-horoscopes-70385/ Wed, 29 Dec 2021 19:30:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/2022-horoscopes-70385 Have the stars aligned for you in the new year?

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After the turbulent uncertainty of recent cycles, Jupiter in the zodiac’s final sign this year offers deeper insights into the psyche of society and humanity’s destiny.

Generous Jupiter in empathetic Pisces, the zodiac’s poet, suggests greater financial recognition of the arts, healing and teaching professions.

While our solar system’s largest planet paints an uplifting, idealistic picture of future possibilities, its flip side can be unrealistic and its inflationary energy in a water sign predicts widespread flooding.

Change maker Uranus continues rocking global politics and economies, bringing radical changes to the way we earn, spend and shop.

Operating through Taurus, the most tactile of earth signs, it stresses the necessity of staying in touch with each other and the natural world.

As we’re all called to make important decisions during the new abnormal of 2022, Saturn reminds us yet again that it’s not someone else’s responsibility to take care of the world – it’s ours.

ARIES Mar 21-Apr 21


Big Picture: 2022 is about decluttering your inner and outer worlds in preparation for the fabulous mid-year rebirth of Jupiter in Aries. You’ll taste its first surge from May to October, then again from late December into next year.

Money Matters: Material wealth matters less this year than more important values, like are you making a worthwhile contribution? Several eclipses in your money sector could bring unexpected openings. Watch for a mid-year Mars/Jupiter meet-up revealing an untapped resource.

Connections: As Saturn completes its restructure of Aries relationships, social circles shift away from draining alliances in favour of collaborators who are a better fit. A previous enemy or competitor could now become a friend.

The Inner You: With this year enhancing your understanding of how the subconscious mind works, overcoming deeply ingrained fears and historic hurts could be quite pleasurable. Empathy and tolerance blossom by helping others, but remember to take care of yourself as well.

Food For Thought: “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough? One can speak poetry just by arranging colours well, just as one can say comforting things in music. Love many things, for therein lies the true strength … and what is done in love is done well.” – Aries artist Vincent van Gogh

TAURUS Apr 22-May 21


Big Picture: Jupiter makes this year’s choices less about expectations, more about enjoyment. Uranus continues inviting you to let go of the familiar, to shed outgrown personas in your style, expression and presentation.

Money Matters: As Pluto overhauls long-term values Jupiter has a more immediate effect, and 2022 restores cautious confidence in your changing economy. While financial rewards from doing what you really love may or may not be less, the soul satisfaction is assured.

Connections: Jupiter’s genial boost loosens you up to new directions in romance, friendship and community groups. People coming into your life with interesting tech and networking skills are likely to be fun, inspirational and supportive – some of them your true tribe.

The Inner You: Taureans use comfort to cope with the chaos of life, grounding themselves in material surroundings that communicate serenity. As you appreciate the value of what you already have, the more authentic you that emerges might surprise others. Might surprise yourself…

Food For Thought: “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it.” – Taurean dancer Martha Graham

GEMINI May 22-Jun 22


Big Picture: Jupiter’s status upgrade has 2022 looking like your year in the limelight. Expect appreciation of your talents and accomplishments, bringing promotion, awards or career advancement – along with increased responsibility.

Money Matters: With Pluto winding up its final year of economic lessons, 2022 brings new financial opportunities – with the giant proviso that this period is notoriously fraught with unscrupulous fraudsters, so choose projects and friends wisely and carefully.

Connections: Look who’s the popular community player as supportive mentors flock to your orbit, and friendships flourish with colleagues who can further your business interests. A partner could be integral, and might also find you writing a new chapter in your personal book of love.

The Inner You: With so much external activity, avoid overdoing it. Set limits and boundaries. Time away from digital distractions and juggling a dozen different thought streams is more important than ever this year.

Food For Thought: “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength … There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of birds, the ebb and flow of tides, the folded bud ready for spring. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after the night and spring after the winter.” – Gemini conservationist Rachel Carson

CANCER Jun 23-Jul 23


Big Picture: As Jupiter explodes a depth charge in your belief systems and personal perspective, 2022 activates the enhanced understanding part of the Crab clan’s chart. It’s not easy playing truth sleuth in a culture of backstage power dynamics, but this year strengthens your courage to speak out for what you believe in.

Money Matters: Saturn might be organising Cancerian economics this year, but Jupiter could blow some of those old saving stories out of the water. If you normally have a budget that doesn’t quite work, try a plan instead that allots a specific sum for enjoyment and pleasure. While Saturn’s into money management, Jupiter just loves having fun.

Connections: With the pairing of Jupiter and Neptune in a fellow water-sign, unusual one-offs who aren’t usually your type can motivate and inspire. Look for a variety of personalities who invite your intuition and imagination to play.

The Inner You: As you ditch ideas that no longer apply, Jupiter’s influence on your mood makes minor inconveniences less stressful. While opening up your armour isn’t comfortable, being honest and vulnerable will attract intimacy you crave.

Food For Thought: “Men shouldn’t have to bear the burden of our remembrance. It’s not their function to remind us we are goddesses. It’s our function to remember it … When we remember, they will too.” – Cancerian activist Marianne Williamson

LEO Jul 24-Aug 23


Big Picture: This is a year of getting to know yourself and transforming your relationships with others. As you delete outworn stories, you’ll be less caught in the drama of dominant narratives. Developing greater trust in your inner knowing, you’ll encourage others with confidence and creative style.

Money Matters: Combining resources and talents with the right partner could significantly improve this year’s financial outlook. While credit might be easily available, be wary of over-extending. Financial scammers are rife, making extra online precautions necessary.

Connections: As 2022 increases maturity and commitment in relationships, forgiveness could be a major theme. After Mars makes its late August appearance in your sector of friends and community groups for a rare seven-month stayover, be on the lookout for well-connected benefactors or professional mentors.

The Inner You: This year’s astral travel promo makes your internal landscape the trendiest destination ever. Trek to thrilling emotional depths. Dive and discover psychological knots from ancient history. Find buried treasure.

Food For Thought: “Heart is what drives us and determines our fate. That is what I need for my characters in my books: a passionate heart. I need mavericks, dissidents, adventurers, outsiders and rebels, who ask questions, bend the rules and take risks.” – Leo writer Isabel Allende

VIRGO Aug 24-Sep 23


Big Picture: Jupiter in Pisces makes 2022 a powerful year for upgrading relationships and partner agreements. As you become more willing to compromise, your ability to negotiate mutually-beneficial arrangements expands exponentially.

Money Matters: This year supports a financial reset: getting more bang for your buck by brokering better deals with service providers, reducing fees and overheads. As you further develop your areas of expertise, funds earned with others could also bring an economic upturn.

Connections: As a magical Jupiter/Neptunian hook-up showers blessings, friendships that might have tired a little can revive. And that’s not all: for five months Jupiter in Aries jazzes up your social life even further, so be the one to initiate those overdue catch-ups.

The Inner You: With Saturn winding up in your work zone, don’t set yourself a punishing pace. Practise saying no, especially to your inner perfectionista. Forget apps: establish where happiness is most available to you in the real world. Above all, regularly lavish yourself with something luxe and utterly indulgent.

Food For Thought: “No-one yet has made a list of places where the extraordinary may happen and where it may not. Still, there are indications … It likes the out-of-doors. It likes the concentrating mind. It likes solitude.” – Virgo poet Mary Oliver

LIBRA Sep 24-Oct 23


Big Picture: During 2022 Jupiter pays its 12-yearly visit to buff up your health, habits and daily schedules. Libra’s biggest challenge will be addressing problems and upsets directly – but don’t forget you’re one of the zodiac’s visionary leaders.

Money Matters: In this year’s financial climate, the way things used to work may not apply and you might find your personal wealth in areas other than money. As 2022 tests Libran flexibility levels, the best economic results come from staying positive and developing mastery via further learning.

Connections: Jupiter in sharing, caring Pisces for half the year, and my-turn-now Aries for the other half offer an overall balance for your relational scales. Libra’s most valuable contribution is your expertise in scheduling events that get people together and bring out the best in them.

The Inner You: Saturn spending its last year in the joy division of your chart insists you find the delight in life, even in adverse circumstances. Look for the immense satisfaction available from being useful. Infuse more worth, pleasure and beauty into everyday activities by elevating routines into rituals.

Food For Thought: One must think with the body and the soul or not think at all. The manifestation of the wind of thought is not knowledge, but the ability to tell right from wrong, beautiful from ugly.” – Libran political philosopher Hannah Arendt

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22


Big Picture: Jupiter spends roughly every 12th year in your astral house of fun and frolics, and 2022 invites your romantic, entertaining side out to play. As values of sensitivity and compassion gain greater traction, this is your year for self-expression and creative exploration.

Money Matters: For the first half of 2022, Jupiter offers a fertile cycle for increasing your income through developing a talent or passion. The expansive planet’s mid-year move to Aries calls time for bringing that creation into the world: marketing its presentation for maximum impact.

Connections: Saturn restructuring your family dynamics continues questioning how you want to live and who with. Scorpios are more about core connections than casual acquaintances, but stimulating artistic or philanthropic networks could infuse this year with deeper, meaning.

The Inner You: What to avoid this year? Strict definitions that don’t allow for alternative possibilities. Unhelpful criticism or fault-finding. Your phoenix spirit is ready to rise from the ashes of the past few years, so lean into the massive support available from a boundless universe.

Food For Thought: “If you can fill the journey of a minute; With 60 seconds worth of wonder and delight; Then the earth is yours and everything that’s in it; But more than that

I know you’ll be alright; Cause you’ve got the fight, you’ve got the insight …” – Scorpio singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell



Big Picture: Every 12 years your ruling planet Jupiter sends Sagittarians into nest-feathering mode, with 2022 set to change living arrangements, improve family dynamics and engage domestic upgrades. Since your gypsy spirit loves being on the move, this may involve relocating.

Money Matters: During 2022 worldly pursuits and professional ambitions could be less prominent. Pluto’s lessons in financial management caution against overextending on home renos or flashing the plastic too enthusiastically.

Connections: All relationships have the capacity to benefit this year, including your relationship with yourself. Family problems could resolve as you experience a desire to reconnect with your roots. Sagittarian social life explodes into Technicolor splendour, with Mars in party mode later this year.

The Inner You: With Jupiter in Pisces increasing your ability to go with the flow, you’ll be happier with what you have and likely to find that what you always wanted is what you’ve already got. This year makes it easier to make peace with past disappointments rooted in family history.

Food For Thought: “Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between this world and the next. We can choose to walk through it … lightly with little luggage, ready to imagine another world.” – Sagittarian author Arundhati Ro

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20


Big Picture: With Jupiter switching on your communications centre, this year finds you extra perceptive, fluent and persuasive. Others are receptive to your ideas and impressed with what you have to say. A busy, exciting year, but keep it simple and avoid overload.

Money Matters: Mercury’s early year retrograde works well for a rejig of your money mindset to keep expectations realistic. As Saturn completes its final year through your money zone, time management gets the best returns for your hard work.

Connections: Jupiter staying half the year in your home and family sector could see you spending more time with relatives. As you identify less with material achievements and empathy escalates, all relationships improve, but especially renewed intimacy with those who matter most in your life.

The Inner You: As Uranus continues your ongoing growth process, what used to make you happy may lose its attraction as you begin to feel the need for something different. Unexperienced pleasure portals open when you’re willing to experiment, and an error or missed opportunity could be the catalyst for something new and beautiful to emerge.

Food For Thought: “Sometimes … we don’t want to feel like a postmodern, postfeminist, overstretched woman, but rather a domestic goddess, trailing nutmeggy fumes of baking pie in our languorous wake.” – Capricorn domestic goddess Nigella Lawson

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19


Big Picture: Aquarians crave security, which this year arrives in the form of confidence in your own intuition as a navigation tool. Your self-assurance strengthens as Saturn applies the finishing touches to a cycle of maturity which won’t come round again for another 30 years.

Money Matters: Jupiter lights up your money sector once every 12 years and this is it. Income is likely to increase, although so will expenses. While this cycle benefits building on existing resources, it warns against overspending or jumping into new ventures without due diligence.

Connections: Yes, this year’s people are over-emoting; react and there’ll be a perceived lack of empathy on your part. If others don’t seem to be operating from the empire of the sensible, try this: whatever your love language is, just keep letting them know it.

The Inner You: Saturn only visits each sign once or twice in a lifetime, and as 2022 finalises its three-year cycle it asks you to craft a foundation you can trust: promises and commitments to yourself, regardless of external circumstance.

Food For Thought: “I imagine good teaching as a circle of earnest people sitting down to ask each other meaningful questions. I don’t see it as a handing down of answers. I’m always amazed that people will actually choose to sit in front of the television and just be savaged by stuff that belittles their intelligence.” – Aquarian writer Alice Walker

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20


Big Picture: Jupiter spends half of 2022 aligned with Neptune in your sign: a magical marriage blessed with a sense of flow and progress, a spirit of altruism and the panoramic wisdom of the big picture. Projects materialise, things come together, your faith is restored.

Money Matters: Jupiter’s golden influence in Pisces couldn’t be more auspicious. While the planet of abundance doesn’t just dump money in your lap, Jupiter’s vibrational frequency promotes a confident mindset that attracts financial windfalls, additional income and promising prospects.

Connections: 2022 opens and closes with Venus rearranging your social networks, which won’t all be plain sailing as friendships past their due date expire. But with Jupiter amping up your personal magnetism, there’s no shortage of interesting newbies jostling to get up close with you.

The Inner You: Feelings aren’t really effective unless they’re expressed. Actions speak louder than intent, and Jupiter encourages more effort in getting those emotions on the move this year – with particular focus on bringing your inner leader out into the world on behalf of what you care about.

Food For Thought: “We’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got; We’ve got each other and that’s a lot; For love we’ll give it a shot; Woah, we’re halfway there; Woah, livin’ on a prayer; Take my hand, we’ll make it I swear; Woah, livin’ on a prayer …” – Piscean singer-songwriter Jon Bon Jovi

You can read this story and many others in the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly – on sale now.

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Taurus daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/taurus-daily-horoscope-15258/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/taurus-daily-horoscope-15258 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Taurus daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

What other people can’t see and find quite mysterious or unfathomable is far from straightforward for you, too. However, it’s also where you must judge boundaries very finely, now. This is where life is never still and never peaceful. Only you can sort it out; it’s so hidden from view.

Neptune in your house of friends and groups suggests another moment of truth. You won’t actually know what is possible or acceptable, until a certain boundary has been crossed. At the same time, if the word ‘no’ is necessary, that’s going to alter the landscape too. You’ll see why in weeks.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Pisces daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/pisces-daily-horoscope-15268/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/pisces-daily-horoscope-15268 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Pisces daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

Whatever is being written in the stars with your former, current or potential partner (or enemy) is also written in stone by 7th October. This is not just about 2016 You may want to pursue a financial, business or property matter either directly as a result of this person, or as a by-product of what you are deciding. The potential is big.

The news that reaches you about your former, current or potential partner (or your enemy) by October clarifies so much. It also reveals just how much potential there is for you, based on the seeds you planted before August 2016.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Aquarius daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/aquarius-daily-horoscope-15267/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/aquarius-daily-horoscope-15267 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Aquarius daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

A matter affecting a friendship or group is now

partly an issue for someone else, too. There is a great deal to be said for matching your speeds and styles. This is so heavy! That is typical of the Saturn cycle, though and it does take patience.

Your mixed situation with money, business, possessions or property continues, yet Mercury will eventually move out of shadow from 7th October and the paper trail (or paper chase) and question marks will disappear so you know where you are.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Capricorn daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/capricorn-daily-horoscope-15266/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/capricorn-daily-horoscope-15266 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Capricorn daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

What you are pursuing with your family, home, household, home town or homeland will become a central issue for someone willing to share the journey, later on. Knowing that this is not about one person (you) or even a larger trend or group, helps you make decisions which others can accept.

A completely different atmosphere now surrounds what is hidden from view, or deeply below the surface. Better still, you are actually dealing in reliable information for the first time in weeks. By the end of December a crucial decision will have been reached. It won’t be easy but it will help.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Sagittarius daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/sagittarius-daily-horoscope-15265/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/sagittarius-daily-horoscope-15265 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Sagittarius daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

The backing and support alone makes a difference to the atmosphere at work, home or study. What follows is an overdue piece of information, or conversation, by October. You stand to gain, once this has all been straightened out, for good.

Look at the young, too. You may have a classically ‘royal’ dynasty or not. You may have heirs in your life or not. But those who come after you are entwined in your destiny, and as the winds of change have been so extreme this year, it’s time to connect, communicate, co-operate.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Scorpio daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/scorpio-daily-horoscope-15264/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/scorpio-daily-horoscope-15264 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Scorpio daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

The money, property, business or possessions becomes a waltz that two can participate in, from October. This makes a difference to the discussion or paperwork ahead, and by New Year’s Eve, the toughest decision for you, finally becomes a reality.

You will close any gaps between you and your former, current or potential partner in slow stages between now and 2017, too, as you two will figure out a new way to divide and share. If you have an enemy or opponent, the time for a win-win outcome is here but it will take a few months of slog.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Libra daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/libra-daily-horoscope-15263/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/libra-daily-horoscope-15263 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Libra daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

Communication in all its forms embraces the media, the internet, your speeches, or your way with the written word. From the computer to the telephone, via your voice, there are now questions about what is going to work for you, long term. You know the issue. This week is about finding a way of dealing.

Jupiter in Libra, your own sign, suggests the way you look or appear is more crucial at the moment. There is a sliding scale of what is acceptable, practical and just total fantasy. You participate. In fact, your fingers are on the scale as it slides. Maybe you should think a great deal bigger?

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Virgo daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/virgo-daily-horoscope-15262/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/virgo-daily-horoscope-15262 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Virgo daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

The next generation has a personal, professional or philanthropic connection with you at the moment. Maybe everyone is your son or daughter, on some level, from babies to children, via twentysomethings. You’ll soon find out what’s acceptable, in a world full of control questions.

The current Saturn cycle also affects the state of play with your family or home. Your household or home town. Your homeland or clan. Take a stand if you don’t find something practical or acceptable. Or…let it through! You have to fix your strategy.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Leo daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/leo-daily-horoscope-15261/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/leo-daily-horoscope-15261 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Leo daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

Oh, the joy of Mercury Retrograde. Not! Finance, property, possessions and business remain the big area of uncertainty and experimentation, as you are about to see. One situation will either be utterly reshaped, or tested and then left as it stands. Watch for the big rewind as you go into October.

Pluto may be meeting you in human form today, in which case your daily routine, health and fitness, work and chores may all be affected by big questions about who or what is in charge of your body. The answer is, you are. That way, lies power.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Cancer daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/cancer-daily-horoscope-15260/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/cancer-daily-horoscope-15260 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Cancer daily horoscope

Tuesday 13 September

In the absence of anything resembling an outcome about that particular circle, group or network – you have been left with floating feelings. The emotional backwash disappears soon. Then all you are left with are the realities of a big compromise.

In 2017, too, it is time to look at the way control and power are shared within the group – no matter if this is a members’ club, social network or work team. This should be a welcome switch in focus, after the amount of time you have been living with a particular professional reality.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Gemini daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/gemini-daily-horoscope-15259/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/gemini-daily-horoscope-15259 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Gemini daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

Your career is where an ongoing experiment continues, today. Your job, or chosen field, reveals a shifting situation, where nothing can really be known, until one person or organisation goes as far as possible. Then again, it may be time for a line to be drawn. This is typical of this Neptune cycle.

This is a laboratory full of tests and trials, right now. Another one is coming. Will you say yes, no or maybe? The trick to this cycle is to get real and also stay real – no matter what. Lovely though it is, to drift off into another world, you must come back.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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Aries daily horoscope https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/aries-daily-horoscope-15257/ Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/aries-daily-horoscope-15257 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you today.

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Aries daily horoscope

Thursday 15 September

Your lifestyle is taking ages to settle down, no matter if the issue is work, housework or the way you look after yourself. Facts really will be facts from 7th October, with no gaps or uncertainty. For now, read the fine print and allow for flux.

It is the October forward push from Mercury, the information and organisation planet, that will alter your career direction most. Right up until Christmas, there is remarkable potential for communication, co-operation, collaboration, based on the good work you put in before August.

For more astrology visit jessicaadams.com.

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The 5 most common questions astrologers get asked https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/5-common-questions-astrologers-get-asked-15273/ Thu, 21 Jul 2016 06:00:07 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/5-common-questions-astrologers-get-asked-15273 “Can you tell what sign I am?” Puh-lease.

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As an astrologer, Jessica Adams gets asked a lot of strange questions about her profession.

Her love for horoscopes began when she was a teenager and only got stronger when she bought one of her very first astrology books by Richard Sterling from The Australian Women’s Weekly.

She then kickstarted her career at Elle magazine as their astrologist and she has uncannily been predicting truths ever since.

Jessica Adams

Here, Adams, who is also an author, tells us the questions she gets asked over and over again.

How do you work out your predictions?

“I use software which shows me the positions of all the heavenly bodies, at any moment in the past, present or future. From that, I read the patterns and make predictions, using the ancient rules of astrology.”

Can you tell what sign I am?

“Maybe, mister, if I hadn’t heard that pick-up line eleventy million times.”

How can one-twelfth of the population have the same future?

“How can Australians have the same future (barbecues) on Australia Day? How can the British have the same future (bonfires) on Guy Fawkes’ Night? How can Americans have the same future (fireworks) on Independence Day?”

Did you qualify as an astrologer?

“There was no university degree offered in astrology when I was young. I graduated as a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Ancient Civilisations, Philosophy and Religious Studies instead. That way, I got to write essays about astrology.”

What’s the best prediction you ever made?

“Brexit. It was made almost a year in advance against all the opinion polls. I needed pants of steel for that one!”

Adams will be providing daily horoscopes and predictions for The Weekly website from next week (Monday July 25), so be sure to tune in right here to see the latest from her.

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<p>Jessica Adams</p> nowtolove-15273
Your horoscope for October https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/your-horoscope-for-october-15271/ Thu, 01 Oct 2015 01:25:51 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/your-horoscope-for-october-15271 See what the stars have in store for you this month.

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Our astrology expert, Jessica Adams, dives into what you should expect in the month of October.

Whether it’s family disputes, work promotions or even a little change in your love life, the star signs are in for an interesting month – to say the least.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams.

Art credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Your celebrity horoscope twin! https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/your-celebrity-horoscope-twin-15269/ Tue, 31 Mar 2015 06:33:09 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/your-celebrity-horoscope-twin-15269 See which celebrity you share your horoscope with.

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From the fierce Leo, to the sensitive Cancer, find out who your celebrity star mate is!


You are strong, independent and you relish in your astounding individuality. Your creativity is as important to you as breathing. You hunger for perfection, sharing your sign with the world’s most memorable divas, like Aretha Franklin and Mariah Carey.


The head of the British Monarchy, Queen Elizabeth is a Taurus. Much like her royal highness, you Taurus are polite, gracious and well-mannered but people should not be fooled by your soft petal exterior, you can also be razor sharp when the situation calls for it.


Geminis are the epitome of what it means to be an air sign. You are breezy and tend to catch a flight to your next interest or fascination with even slightest gust of wind. Gemini, you have many different influences, but don’t let people tell you that’s a bad thing, because your curiosity is boundless and the joy you get from merely existing is contagious.


Cancer’s you are the most empathic of the all signs, you feel the need to nurture and comfort. You’re the best at reading people and have an instinct to follow your heart’s desires. Your family is the most important thing to you and as the crab sign you feel as though you need to be the protector of love.


Describing a Leo is the same as describing a Lioness, the queen of her pride, loyal and fierce. You’re a trend setter, you will often set the bar of achievement to dizzying heights and you’ll never settle for mediocre. Yet you are bashfully unaware of your might. As a natural born leader you’ll easily find people who are willing to follow. Often these followers will be quick to praise you, but be sure to surround yourself with Aries, who will be scathingly honest with you – a welcome reality check.


Often people label Virgos as ‘virgin-like’, however, like many things in life this too can be widely interpreted. Usually Virgos are ‘pure’ in at least one aspect of life, you might be an absolute firecracker between the sheets but your house is probably cleaner than an operating room. Virgo, you are the eternal student, learning wherever you go and as a result you have formed plenty of opinions and political beliefs along the way. Be careful not to constantly overwhelm your friends with the contents of your overflowing mind though.


You are a love goddess, an idealist and will be the friend that always adds a healthy dose of realness to any situation. Love is your driving motivator and the search for it is the defining passion of your life. Often Libra, you will either marry young or take a long time to find your perfect match. Don’t let your idea of love get in the way though, there’s no need to chase it, because when it comes, you’ll know.


There is nobody quite like a Scorpio, you operate on a level that only few have access to. Your abilities are mesmerising, yet even you barely understand them. When it comes to emotions, you have a lot of them and as a water sign you often struggle to keep your feelings at bay. You’ve been faced with adversity enough in your life and each time you’ve persevered, piercing through even the most heart wrenching of circumstances.


You Sagittarian are fiercely independent and the sunshine inside of you is a scorcher! You do not tolerate, liars, cheaters or any other kind of everyday injustice and you will be the first to call someone out on it. Sagittarians are travellers and no doubt you have a friend in the every corner of the globe.


You’re the kind of person who joins country clubs and enjoys long, boozy lunches with the girls. There is a certain time-less class that surrounds you Capricorn and needless to say you’re a social butterfly whose wing span stretches far and wide. As an earth sign, you are steady, lend structure and act like a load baring pillar in most projects. Family is at the centre of everything you do. You will work without sleep to ensure your loved ones have a roof over their head and food on the table.


Nobody can combine logic and creativity quite like you Aquarius. Your heart beats to sound of its own bohemian drum. You probably struggle with people understanding you, but that’s okay, it’s actually a quality to be desired. Climbing social ladders is second nature to you and you often find yourself facing popularity. Although this is exciting, you are also well aquatinted with its dangerous hazards.


Pisces, your ability to dream paired with your kaleidoscope like view of the world, is envious. You understand the importance of expression, touch and feelings and know that their value is far greater than the spoken word. People can fake a conversation but they can never fake a feeling, this notion is intrinsically bound within your soul.

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What it means to be a Taurus https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/aries-horoscopes-round-up-15254/ Thu, 26 Mar 2015 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/aries-horoscopes-round-up-15254 Born in May? Happy Birthday month! This is what the stars say about you.

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TAURUS (April 22 – May 21)

You are strong, independent and you relish in your astounding individuality. Your creativity is as important to you as breathing. You hunger for perfection, sharing your sign with the world’s most memorable divas, like Aretha Franklin and Mariah Carey.

Aries is the first sign on the astrological calendar, therefore you consider being first a right not a privilege, but don’t be mistaken, you’ll work just as hard as anyone else to get there. You are passionate and fiery but be careful not to push yourself so far that your flame goes out.

Take some time to yourself, peaceful meditation and alone time with your thoughts will help because your mind is constantly overflowing with ideas and new concepts.

You thrive when you’re surrounded by a large circle of friends, but if someone were to latch onto you or become too clingy, they soon will feel your scorn. You’ll often clash with a Virgo. You are no shrinking violet, which means you need someone to match your fighting spirit. You’re a romantic but you also love having fun in the bedroom, which goes hand in hand with an Aquarian.

Your celebrity star-mates are Victoria Beckham and Lady Gaga.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

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Pisces Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/pisces-monthly-horoscope-may-15253/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 08:01:29 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/pisces-monthly-horoscope-may-15253 Your Horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

February 20 – March 20

The property, family, household or 
hometown discussion or paper trail after May 4 will fluctuate for weeks, so read the fine print and have alternatives. Your quality of life will skyrocket near the 17th, 21st and 31st, following a work, volunteering or university opportunity. 
It means redefining your ideas about duty and service, but it will be extremely rewarding. Many Pisceans will take on new roles or projects for June. The other focus now is your body. Don’t miss an incredible solution.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/aquarius-monthly-horoscope-may-15252/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 08:00:23 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/aquarius-monthly-horoscope-may-15252 Your Horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

January 21 – February 19.

You could easily expand your commitment to a lover, partner or professional duet in the second half of the month and a wonderful milestone 
for the two of you could be in place by June. If you are single, you will find (or be found by) someone who will make the world seem like a bigger and better place. Even a separation or divorce can be unusually successful when Jupiter 
and Juno are on your side. Pregnancy 
or parenthood questions may be in flux, though – wait.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/capricorn-monthly-horoscope-may-15251/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:58:53 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/capricorn-monthly-horoscope-may-15251 Your Horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

December 22 – January 20

You are in a stunning position if you want to make gains in business or 
with your precious possessions, money, house, charity or apartment. The person or situation you wed yourself to in the second half of May will lock you into an arrangement which offers security and prestige, even if you must sacrifice your freedom to have it. Just be aware that Mercury is retrograde in your zone of work now. An important arrangement could be reshaped or even scrapped later – have back-up.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/sagittarius-monthly-horoscope-may-15250/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:57:16 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/sagittarius-monthly-horoscope-may-15250 Your Horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

November 23 – December 21

Your ruler, Jupiter, joins his wife, Juno, 
this month, in an area of your horoscope devoted to travel, foreign people, interstate connections, education and publishing 
in all its forms. This is a momentous time, when a big promise will be irresistible and the outcome should reward all the effort you put into joining the dots in 2014. Did you know that the situation with (or for) your partner will swing backwards and forwards until June? This applies to former or potential partners, too.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/scorpio-monthly-horoscope-may-15249/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:52:40 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/scorpio-monthly-horoscope-may-15249 Your Horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

October 24 – November 22

What happens near the 17th, 21st and 31st will reshape your position or ambitions for some time to come. Your role, project or chosen field will involve a dramatic changeover or an upward shift. Do not underestimate the commitment, as it 
will be hard to escape, but this is also 
a stunning opportunity for you, which can only occur once every 12 years. 
Your home, money, business interests, charity or precious possessions will take weeks to sort out. Have standby plans 
if you can.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Libra Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/libra-monthly-horoscope-may-15248/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:48:17 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/libra-monthly-horoscope-may-15248 Your Horoscope of May!

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Your May Horoscope.

September 24 – October 23

Your travel, foreign, publishing, internet and education agenda should not be set too firmly in May, as Mercury, the planet of information and transportation, 
is about to turn backwards. Take common sense measures and double-check arrangements. Wonderful friendships that deliver more than you imagined 
will make your month special. A group or network you are involved with (anything from a political party to a charity) will reward you for all the positive energy you put in now.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Virgo Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/virgo-monthly-horoscope-may-15247/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:44:32 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/virgo-monthly-horoscope-may-15247 Your Horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

August 24 – September 23

Your ruler Mercury is out of sync in May, so allow for reversals or changes 
in your career, unpaid work or university life. Nothing will be fixed or final for weeks, so accommodate that in your plans from the 4th. If you operate behind the scenes without any recognition, then 
you are about to see the benefits of 
your uncredited efforts and will be ecstatic at the outcome. One in four Virgo people have been sitting on 
a huge secret. Are you one of them? 
This secret is about to pay off.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Cancer Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/cancer-monthly-horoscope-may-15243/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:41:09 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/cancer-monthly-horoscope-may-15243 Your Horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

June 23 – July 23

You stand to gain from huge savings, profitable plans, free offers, lucrative property deals or other financial gains this month, with more to come. An organisation, department or person 
with a think-big reputation will help you, no matter if your priority is cash, 
or just feel-good outcomes for your house, apartment, charity, business 
or collection of possessions. Are you keeping a secret or operating behind 
the scenes? It will be complicated and prone to delays, so have a Plan B.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Gemini Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/gemini-monthly-horoscope-may-15242/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:34:11 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/gemini-monthly-horoscope-may-15242 Your Horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

May 22 – June 22

Mercury, your ruling planet, is in Gemini, creating a chain of reversals 
and delays for weeks. This will affect your name, profile, image, reputation 
or appearance, so if your plans involve 
a “me agenda”, then have alternatives. The most fantastic outcome in years 
for your biggest ideas, projects and 
plans is now possible in the second 
half of the month, thanks to perfect timing. Your way with words, images 
or clever concepts is well-known, but 
you will excel yourself.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Taurus Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/taurus-monthly-horoscope-may-15241/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:31:18 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/taurus-monthly-horoscope-may-15241 Your Horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

April 22 – May 21

You should be thrilled with your family news, household announcements, mortgage, auction, renovation, lease, sale, purchase or home exchange this month. If you are the kind of Taurus woman who identifies more with her hometown or homeland than her street address, you will be amazed at the turn of events in the second half of May. The only issue is timing, as there may be hitches or alterations with your finances or assets for weeks. Read the fine print carefully.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

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Aries Monthly Horoscope: May https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/aries-monthly-horoscope-may-15240/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:18:51 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/aries-monthly-horoscope-may-15240 Your horoscope for May!

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Your May Horoscope.

March 21 – April 21

The world of children, godchildren 
or young relatives could deliver one 
of the happiest episodes in years this month, if you have consistently shown faith. Projects involving a junior generation or younger demographic 
will be outstandingly successful, too. 
If your priority is not babies, kids and teenagers, but your own love life, you should be thrilled with what unfolds near the 17th, 21st and 31st. The sexual satisfaction will make Fifty Shades Of Grey look like five.

Horoscopes by Jessica Adams

Credit: Elisa Mazzone, The Illustration Room.

The post Aries Monthly Horoscope: May appeared first on Now To Love.

Your May 2015 Horoscopes https://www.nowtolove.com.au/lifestyle/horoscopes/your-may-2015-horoscopes-15239/ Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:12:14 +0000 https://www.nowtolove.com.au/horoscopes/weekly-horoscopes/your-may-2015-horoscopes-15239 World-renowned astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what lies in store for you this month in these horoscopes exclusive to The Australian Women's Weekly.

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Click the links below to see what May 2015 will bring into your sign:


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