Everyone wanted to know if there was more to I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here pals Josh Gibson and Simone Holtznagel.
Especially after Lisa Oldfield got booted out of the South African jungle and decided to tell the nation the pair were mad for each and we’re 100% channeling their inner Jane and Tarzan.
Shockingly, since it never made it air on the Channel Ten reality series… We were left VERY confused.
Thankfully the AFL legend is out of the show and ready to answer EVERY question… Including the one you’ve been waiting for:
Will Josh Gibson chuck a Sophie Monk and be the next Bachelor Australia?
Josh you made it to finals week! How does it feel being out?
I’m wrapped that I made it this far. Had a great five weeks but it was amazing to lie in a normal bed, see a toilet that flushes and have a hot shower!
I know you’re competitive – Are you bit sad that you didn’t make it right to the end?
Look I know I’m super competitive but it’s more about pushing myself in trials and challenges.
It wasn’t about winning.
It would have been great to make it to the end for the RSPCA – but I’m really happy.
The good stuff: Josh’s official word on his romance with Simone
You’re probably surprised by all the attention on your “friendship” with Simone… You can thank Lisa Oldfield for that! I think fans are hoping this become a Barry Hall and Lauren Brant situation and down the track who knows? Is there any truth to it… The romance, the secret spot?
[Laughs] Nah look, Simone and I are just good mates.
Simone and Pete were the first two people I met so we became close and had a really good bond. Sim’s fantastic but we’re really more like brother and sister.
We’ll remain friends but there’s no relation there.
If you want to write a love story then you’ll have to speak to Ron and Brenda. [Laughs]

If you’re looking for love…
Would Josh Gibson do The Bachelor
Now that we’ve settled that and I’m assuming you’re single – could you see yourself as the next Bachelor?
Would I do the Bachelor? I’ve just walked out of the jungle. I’ve not put my head to do anything right now.
Wow [Laughs] Didn’t even think of that! Who knows.
I’m sure they wouldn’t want me.
Looking back at his time in the Jungle
I know you have a huge AFL following – now all of Australia has fallen for you. Are you prepared for all the new fans?
That hasn’t sunk in yet [Laughs]
I’m really happy people outside the football world have seen the real me and I’ve left a good impression.
The football world can be secretive – you can’t always be yourself especially if you’re competing. I was very excited to do this.
It’s not a place for heroes and villains – you just get to be yourself.
You reigned as camp chef – now that this is over is that something you might dip your toes in? Maybe you’ll be opening a jungle restaurant?
[Laughs] To be honest in the last five years, I’ve cooked maybe five times!
It was really good being with Paul in the kitchen and a great way pass time.
I’m moving up to Sydney and launching my skincare brand. I’m looking forward to that and working with the company Thank Goat.
You were definitely one of the more popular guys in camp. Turns out David Oldfield was a huge fan of yours…
Look at the start I was like “Oh God!”
And it’s tough – they came in during Week 4 and they’re such big personalities.
I don’t agree with everything he says but everyone has the right to an opinion. And as time went on I saw a new side to him.
They’re great people and we had a great connection through horses.
It’s really tough in there – and sometimes you bond with unlikely people.
Lisa made the joke about Simone and I – but it’s all the sort of tongue in cheek we have together. You can’t have that unless you respect people and you like them.
I’d catch up with them when I move to Sydney
Before and After entering the Jungle
Have you lost any weight or noticed any changes in your body?
I didn’t go in too fat – I was 92kgs and came out at 83.9kgs.

Was there something about your experience that really surprised you?
There are tough times but there are so many good memories. It tests you mentally and physically but I’m so glad I did it!
How many people can say they’ve been bitten by a snake called Bernard?
Any tips for the next batch of celebs?
Sneak in contraband! I snuck in lollies in my water bottle and the lining of my Akubra hat had coffee sachets.
Who do you think will win?
My top three is Fiona, Peter and Danny.
I hear it’s very close but I hope one of the comedians take it out! Having a comedian in there was a must for survival. If people listened to my jokes then they would have heard the words “I’m a Celeb…” a lot faster!
I think Fiona’s story is so fantastic! I’d love to see her walk away as queen of the jungle.