When it comes to sexting, nude selfies are a bit of an enigma.
Is it weird for guys to ask for them? Is it even weirder to send one out of the blue? Should I be wearing sexy lingerie? Can I put a Snapchat filter over my face, seeing as I just removed my makeup?
Well, we grilled eight guys and two girls to find out exactly what they like when it comes to receiving a naked snap. And the answers were definitely surprising.
Of course, before we get into the ins and outs of actually taking a nude, it’s important to remember that you’re never obligated to take or send nude photos to anyone.
It’s also important to keep your own safety in mind when it comes to sharing saucy images, as once a photo leaves your phone you have very little control over where it goes next. None of this is to say that you shouldn’t take or send nude pics, but it’s good to acknowledge and understand the risks.
If your photos are shared without your consent or used against you in any way, know that there is support available. Anyone experiencing image-based abuse or ‘revenge porn’ can make a report to the eSafety Commissioner or police.
If you or someone you know needs support, help is always available. Call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.
1. Anything goes. “To be honest, if I’m in that mood where I want nudes, I just want some form of nudity. There isn’t much coherency in what’s going through my head, just show me anything you want.” Nate, 26.
2. Keep it personal (and posing is okay). “Anything is good except vaginas… I’ve never met a guy who likes getting full-frontal or whole-frame pictures of genitalia. But the best nudes I’ve ever gotten are specific to me, like, either wearing one of my shirts or jerseys if they stayed over, or they’re still in my bed. The best is getting them randomly. Like in middle of the day, or when you’re not even flirting at the time, or not planning on seeing them soon. And despite what we say, we do like girls who pose… Yes, even duck face. We don’t care.” Ben, 24.
3. Be creative. “There’s nothing better than getting a nude with nice lighting, a pretty backdrop or a creative pose. It’s easy to just snap a photo in 10 seconds and just leave it at that, but the best nudes are always the one with something a little extra, like candles burning in the background or her sheets just covering something naughty. It almost becomes like a piece of art.” Eva, 27.

“Something that alludes to nudity, sensuality and sexuality is so much better than actual nudity.”
(Pexels)4. Skip the puppy-dog ears. “Guys aren’t that picky, to be honest. Decent lighting. Leave out the Snapchat filters. Boobs are a plus.” Sam, 27.
5. Lingerie gets the boys (and girls). “I like something kind of personal and a bit cheeky and not too serious. Lingerie is always a winner, too.” James, 30.
6. Be you and be bold. “Naked pictures of women are freely available online, the difference in receiving a nude is that you know who this person is, they are not a ‘professional’ and they are specifically showing you. So what I like is an unfiltered shot, nothing too posed and they are confident in wanting me to see all of them. I’m definitely a boobs guy too.” Alexander, 28.
7. Keep it moving. “All I’m saying is, Boomerang is a wildly under utilised resource for nudes.” Alex, 33.
8. It’s not just about boobs and butts. “Women are gorgeous no matter what, but I feel like there’s something more exciting about getting a photo that isn’t of the ‘main events’ so to speak. A photo of her under-boob region, her hips or the crease of her thigh can be just as good because you know she’s naked, and she knows she’s naked, but you still leave a little to the imagination.” Melanie, 25.
9. Don’t overthink it. “I’m a simple man. I like lingerie, a good smile, a promiscuous position – just don’t stand in front of the mirror like you’re taking a before and after gym shot. You have to try really hard to send bad nudes and I don’t think any guy is going to be complaining regardless.” Miles, 32.
10. You don’t have to strip all the way down. “I think I prefer a half-nude. Something that alludes to nudity, sensuality and sexuality is so much better than actual nudity. That’s why we like nice lingerie and bikinis.” Michael, 27.
WATCH: Kylie Jenner reveals whether or not she sends nudes